I’m still Growing.

A poem for NICU babies.

A poem I wanted to share that I wrote while working in the NICU. From my perspective as a nurse.

It truly has been a blessing to be able to witness God’s Mighty power. Nonetheless these babies are protected and loved. They are little miracles and resilient little fighters even before their life began.

God’s Mighty miracles❤️

Growth thats what I’m expected to do.

I try my best, just like you.

Many bright lights, many faces, many sounds.

I look with little eyes, I see them all around.

I’m tucked away neatly, in a clear plastic box.

I sleep and I wake sometimes it’s a shock.

This will be my home for the next days, weeks, even months.

Days I hear voices, feel movements, hear pumps.

I long for the days to be near you again.

Your smell, your touch, the safety begins.

Tucked away with blankets and rolls to protect me from harm.

There’s also wires and tubes that often sets off alarms.

As I sleep and eat my way to great strength.

I find that I grow in ounces and lengths.

I wake up, repeat, and fight everyday.

My parents and caregivers I know that they pray.

Each day is a new adventure, a gift to be alive.

Every moment, each encounter, a battle to thrive.

Slowly but surely, I look forward with gains.

That is my daily goal, I try to attain.

My cries are a little bit louder, more rowdy, and intentional.

My movements are stronger, more purposeful, with potential.

My personality grows and I develop many likes.

There are also prickly things, that are painful, I also dislike.

The milk I drink is like golden treasure.

It requires the nurses to carefully measure.

Through all of my interventions, I am resilient and strong

My parents and family worry that something is wrong.

The nurses they bathe me and cover with love.

Each task completed, God watches above.

Some days I have visitors, one, two, even more.

Waiting on that sweet day I can be out that door.

They are cheering me on each season that passes.

But some days can feel like slow-moving molasses.

As I squirm and I kick much beeping begins.

As they rush to the bedside to soothe me again.

Every picture is a moment of progress of mine.

My journey is still being written, I’ll be better in time.

For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

If it is in your heart I sincerely ask that you pray for these babies, for they healing, growth, and strength. That God covers them and their families with peace and love. They are truly miracles from God.

God Bless you ❤️

The Rush

A gem read for our culture today.

It’s a fact time doesn’t slow for us but also not for anything else. Its consistency is relentless as we are left trying to catch up with it never ending finesse. But have you thought about why we rush to work, why we rush to eat, why we rush to complete our tasks. Because at the other end of completion is more tasks waiting for us to rush through. There’s a never ending catch up and only a continual desire to conquer what eventually breaks us down emotionally, mentally and physically.

Maybe it’s the fear of missing out or FOMO the term todays culture use. The fear of missing out plagues our being into believing more is better and less is unworthy. We are in a constant between time and duties. Both doesn’t end and only one we can control.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. This is a book I read recently that is a gem for this culture we live in today. Hurry does anything good come from it? Are we improving ourselves through the rush, do you find peace through the multitasking, is there a sense of worth through the busyness? Does it provide the joy we are looking for? And most importantly does it yield the opportunity to hear and make space to grow closer to God.

One of my favorites quotes in the book that is also its theme, is quoted by Dallas Willard and it reads “Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.”

It discusses how we cannot have a healthy spiritual life that is hurried and that we have to slow down and allow ourselves to catch up with our brains. The author speaks about about how hurry is the enemy and how it’s a distraction from a greater purpose in our spiritual lives. His practices are founded in 4 principles which are silence and solitude, simplicity, sabbath of rest, and slowing down intentionally.

He provides a list of 20 ways he has implemented slowing down in his everyday life and encourages us to change the what we live while focusing and emulating the way Jesus lived and loved. It was filled with scripture that made references on key points and he also quotes multiple writers of theologian works that even date back centuries ago.

I was actually surprised how much of what he said resonated within me. Some of his list was already things I had adopted into my daily life. If you want to grow closer to God, to live a life of peace, a fulfilling joy, you need to decide what you will live for? It’s a choice. That only you can make. I have yet to bet, once you start you won’t regret what you lost along the way. Here’s to beginning a new thing and may the Lord walk and be with you during this time of refinement in our lives.

I also wanted to share that I recently also listened to a podcast hosted by Jay Shetty which you’ve probably heard of him before. He had Michelle Obama as a guest interview. One thing she talked about that stuck out to me was the world we live in today and how we aren’t equipped to handle everything that is thrown at us. Because it’s so much and we need to allow ourselves to slow down and rest. Also, how our phones provide a constant stream of notifications that are too much for our brains to process. It keeps us connected too much. It was such a coincidence during this time I was reading this book so I wanted to include that small part. I believe God speaks to us through this repetition so I always try to take heed on things that appear more than once or have similarities without it being forced or even searched upon.

This book has given me soulful insight and a fresh perspective on how hurry is toxic to the very nature of who we are. I’m so thrilled I came across this book because the words contained in it, spoke to the core of my soul. And while thinking all the emotions I felt were just my inefficiency and what more can I do to be effective, was in question. The reality of the situation I discovered that my feelings were valid because it is against the very nature of how God created us to be and do life.

If you aren’t spiritual or a believer, I can see how you may not find this book of any value but I believe that if you do read this book, you will still be able to relate to many things he talks about in your own life. And just maybe in that perspective you will gain a desire to grow closer to God.

May God give you peace

Blessings and Love ❤️


Season of learning and revealing

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭

I believe each season has its own thing to offer. We see the changes, we feel it, and we can even hear it. We adapt to the seasons by the colors we wear, the type of clothing we put on, the activities we engage in. This season for you may mean many things. It could be joyous or it can be painful. Whichever it is with it also brings a period in time which allows us to slow down, to reflect on all that is still here. And so I believe that we learn a great deal of who we were, how we’ve grown, and how else we desire to thrive.

So whatever season you are in I encourage you to hold on a little while longer, trust God, and live.

Blessings & Love ❤️


Welcome back

For the people who have followed along, I’m back. It’s been a year long since I’ve updated or written anything on here. Life has its own way of taking your time and putting it to use wherever it needs.

Life has been good. I have kept busy with my 3 kids. My oldest is playing sports now so we have busy weekdays and weekends. My son has also joined school clubs and band. My youngest is thriving and growing into a little girl. She keeps me the busiest, but I cherish each moment because one day they will bloom before my eyes even realize.

Even though my presence hasn’t been here, I have still been writing. Some days it’s slow and some days I’m full of thoughts that remain jam packed in my mind until I’m able to release them to paper or digital form.

I pray that all of you have been doing life the best you can and giving God control of the rest. I will be posting soon. I’m glad to be back into this creative process, for me it’s very healing, a safe space, and also one that allow others the same without judgment or shame. One I can return to again. Most importantly God has been so good.

Blessings and love to you all! ❤️

– AngelinaLynn

God will not leave

God is for you, for us, so don’t worry about who isn’t. Our goal isn’t to please the world but our Father in Heaven, to honor and praise him, to be obedient to his teachings and commands. God won’t leave you where you are, he will strengthen you and be your support. He will comfort and sustain you, so don’t worry about the mistakes because God will restore what is, he will provide what we lack. So be reminded today that whatever you are doing, do unto God, giving thanks always because he will always be there for you wherever you are. Amen 🙏

The God who sees you

It’s so easy to lose our value when we look to the world to be accepted and loved. Look no further than the word of God. He sees you as a new creation, forgiven, redeemed, deserving of love and honor, created for him. Never let the circumstances or doubt you may encounter in life taint this truth. You can find rest in the promises of God, he is faithful to the end. The Alpha and the Omega, the foundation and rock with which we are upheld by. The lens of God is perfect in itself, trust God, he’s got you!

Blessings and Love đź’•

God is Available

I want to let you know something: GOD is available. This morning I woke up and did my usual routine. Open the bible, read devotional and plans. Follow up with scripture. After I finished I decided to continue my reading from yesterday in the book of Daniel. I started with Daniel’s prayer in chapter 9. Daniel was praying for his people because of their rebellion against God commands and laws pleading to God for mercy and forgiveness. According to Daniel 9:21 he states while he was still in prayer Gabriel came to him quickly and told him that he came to give him insight and understanding. As he continues in 9:23 Gabriel says as soon as he began to pray a command was given and he was coming to tell Daniel. This last verse stood out to me so I underlined and made note of it in my bible.

After finishing the chapter I open a news app for Christian content and began scrolling through the the stories. One in particular caught my attention its headline reading “This Nigerian Christian girl heard God’s voice and escaped.” She was among 276 girls who were kidnapped in 2014 from school by an Islamic terrorist group. Halfway through reading the article she describes the moment she had an opportunity to make a decision that could save her but was risky. While in the vehicle she made a deal with God. She said she asked God in her prayer to “please allow me to see my family once more and I promise to follow you for the rest of my life.” Within 5 minutes she said God answered her prayer and she was able to escape because one of the vehicles broke down and stopped.

Before I continue I have to admit there are moments where I wonder if my prayers are heard, especially when what you are praying for persists in your life. Don’t get me wrong, its not that I doubt God. I understand that God answers prayers and his plan for us is always good. The weight of worry can creep in and misplace God’s timing leaving us feeling unheard and invalidated so that’s why it is so vital to be constant in prayer through everything at all times for we know God’s timing is perfect. Today I received a powerful reminder that God sees, hears, and knows.

After finishing the article I immediately recognized the parallel between this girl and Daniel’s prayer was quite similar. From this God revealed to me that there is no waitlist or longline, take a number until you are called, or I will get back to you ASAP because I’m unavailable when it comes to conversing with him. This has further affirmed me of what kind of God we serve and the love he has for us. He hears our prayers immediately even as we are still in prayer. He is always available at any given moment. So I want to encourage you with these points and scriptures as you continue your prayer life with God.

  • God hears our prayers as we pray, not in an hour, tomorrow, or next week
  • Don’t be discouraged in your prayers
  • No matter how you feel keep praying
  • When you slow down, listen and pay attention, God speaks
  • You can trust God is always at work and hears all your prayers even the simple ones

I pray that God’s blessings overflow to you. I pray that you seek the Lord daily in every part of your life. May God bless you and keep you and remember you are Loved!