Season of learning and revealing

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭

I believe each season has its own thing to offer. We see the changes, we feel it, and we can even hear it. We adapt to the seasons by the colors we wear, the type of clothing we put on, the activities we engage in. This season for you may mean many things. It could be joyous or it can be painful. Whichever it is with it also brings a period in time which allows us to slow down, to reflect on all that is still here. And so I believe that we learn a great deal of who we were, how we’ve grown, and how else we desire to thrive.

So whatever season you are in I encourage you to hold on a little while longer, trust God, and live.

Blessings & Love ❤️


Welcome back

For the people who have followed along, I’m back. It’s been a year long since I’ve updated or written anything on here. Life has its own way of taking your time and putting it to use wherever it needs.

Life has been good. I have kept busy with my 3 kids. My oldest is playing sports now so we have busy weekdays and weekends. My son has also joined school clubs and band. My youngest is thriving and growing into a little girl. She keeps me the busiest, but I cherish each moment because one day they will bloom before my eyes even realize.

Even though my presence hasn’t been here, I have still been writing. Some days it’s slow and some days I’m full of thoughts that remain jam packed in my mind until I’m able to release them to paper or digital form.

I pray that all of you have been doing life the best you can and giving God control of the rest. I will be posting soon. I’m glad to be back into this creative process, for me it’s very healing, a safe space, and also one that allow others the same without judgment or shame. One I can return to again. Most importantly God has been so good.

Blessings and love to you all! ❤️

– AngelinaLynn