Restore your identity

rectangular wooden frame mirror

Photo by Marianna Mercado on

It is so important to be associated with positive things an people of positive influence in your life. You may never know the impact of your life to others and vice versa.  Light thrives off of light and creates a greater magnification, so in simple words you become inspired by things that you focus on. When you look in a mirror the reflection you see is what you are, so in essence what you are entails what you life will yield. 

Who am I

I was someone who attempted perfection, but have failed multiple times. I have spent numerous time seeking peace in life and sometimes I get distracted more often than I like. I learned you become at peace when you accept who you are, recognizing your weakness and acknowledging your strengths.  Pursue what adds value to your life. When you live in transparency, honesty, and integrity you release additional baggage, emotional strongholds, and you are able to utilize that special part of you to a greater purpose. I look to the future with hope because I know the kind of God I serve. There is no more need to try to fill areas of my life that I have no authority over. My works will never be enough, but God’s grace is enough & the blood of Jesus Christ is enough. Now I enter peace knowing that the tides may turn and the storms will roar but my God has power that is unmatched, relentless, and unfathomable. Thank you Lord for your promise to never leave us.

Blessings & Love 💕


Pursue Creativity

I believe creativity comes when you find your identity. The world with advanced technology and media has a social influence on us that has pushed the agenda that you are not enough until we agree and confirm. When you have a lack of identity, from my experiences and others you tend to outsource and look for things and people to tell you who you are and to guide you and to help you make decisions. You become a product of the world instead of being that product to the world. You identity, your differences, your opinions, and perspectives is your power and what makes you stand apart from others and that is a gift to be cherished not one to despise or keep hidden. Just think about it no one has you DNA, no one has as story exactly like yours maybe similar but not quite the same. We have become ashamed of ourselves but the world needs you and your differences. We need diversity, we need varying opinions because this forces critical thinking and in turn it allows us to open our minds to receive what we do not know. I honestly believe people are fearful to learn who they are because when you do you blindly accept responsibility for yourself. Responsibility seems a lay word but that word can be scary for people who have never been held accountable for their actions. Creativity is your super power you open up many opportunities to inspire change and to be that change.

God has created us in his image to be bearers of his light and created with full purpose to do great things. Everything God created was good and he created us which means he didn’t create mediocre. His creation declare the power of his works. Remember you were made higher than the animals a little lower than the angels. God planned us perfectly and gave us rules on how to live and he gave us responsibility. Now you see we can’t live life irresponsibly and expect to receive blessings. Creativity is your power, it is your blessing, and it is your gift from God. If the enemy cannot destroy you he will attack your perspective, he will attack your mind, he will make you question, make you blame, make you feel unworthy. Be careful about how you respond and act with these emotions. The enemy has one job to do and that is to destroy any good God has created. So today immerse in truth about who you are and stop making excuses, stop doubting, stop running, stop idle seeking for you reward is is in you, it is your very being that was crafted and detailed perfectly by a flawless good God. How encouraging is this. Brothers and sisters find your identity, keep learning, keep growing. I challenge you to create even if you don’t know what, just begin. There have been proven neurological benefits to a creative mind and a creative mind cannot be contained.

Blessings & Love 💕


Joyous pursuit

There are a lot of things that I have done wrong and mistakes will still be made. Even when I think I’m doing right, wrong may be the initiator to bring about change. But in all my doing my greatest moment will be pursuing the life that my creator has give me. Nothing is more joyful than this, his love, his character, his grace, and mercy that is so amazingly overwhelming, that at times we don’t know how to respond. I tell you start with repentance, respect, and humility. When everything else fades, God’s truth will still stand. We honor and revere you Lord.

What you pursue

What you pursue today is what surrounds & consumes you, that is where your heart and mind reside & remain. Are we seeking the things that are significant, that matter, that builds, and that last forever. In the fight for life to maintain and attain our rightful rights let us continue to run over and over again to you God. No matter how many times, no matter how long, how difficult, or how far he my appear to be. Keep searching, keep seeking, keep asking for each call brings you one step closer to connecting and understanding his ways and values. Feed & fight the faith, starve the flesh, seize the day because we don’t back down but stand up with courage, strength, and resiliency.


Prayer is just like anything else we do that requires time and discipline . It doesn’t have to be a beautifully written piece, the best prayers are those of honest conversation with an open heart. One of the most important things we should be doing everyday becomes the last thing or even non existent to us. We can all do better at making prayer a priority in our lives. I pray that you make a decision today to talk with your creator and get to know him more deeply.

Start simple and make prayer a habit

Set a reminder on your phone

Mark it in your calendar

Write out your prayers

Subscribe to a Christian website that sends out daily prayers to your email

Have someone close to you hold you accountable

Download apps to help you, I used an app called echo and it’s very simple to use

There are many resources to help support your prayer life.

Blessings & Love 💕

Broken Grace

Hey I know I’ve been a victim also when there were times when you have invested so much time, energy, emotions, or finances in relationships, goals, or helping people then it all disappears. That feeling of despair, lost hope, and brokenness that puts an unknown weight, causes you to shift, makes you doubt, makes you question. Listen as a believer the trials the struggles we go through will either strengthen you or weaken you. God has come to remove this shield, he has come to give you hope, peace, abundance, comfort, courage, and love.

“One day you will look back at the broken pieces and realize they have their own story too.

These challenges played their role that helped shape you and strengthen you. Have faith that God’s plans are not in error. You are not alone , God sees and knows, learn to surrender under his power and your life will be radically transformed.

Sin is always brewing and when you start living off of sin it leads to dangerous roads and a disappointing unfulfilling life. Our choices have consequences, our decisions will have an effect. I know at times it’s easier to throw your troubles on others unrightfully but what does that say about us. We have to learn how to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. We feel cursed, we feel pain, and rejection over and over. This is the perfect time to sit down reevaluate your heart, your mind, your feelings, intents, and motives because in those places you will find the weed or weeds that needs to be removed. Break free from the weeds that keep you down and doesn’t allow you to grow. Confess, repent, and relying on God’s truth are 3 important things you can do everyday to build you faith and prayer life. No more dipping in the enemy’s territory cause all he knows how to do is destroy but through Jesus, God allows us to heal and be healed.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that we recognize the need to confess and repent from our sins. Forgive us for allowing the wrong things to take shelter in our minds. Let us remain loyal to you and guide us to you when troubles arise. We thank you, we praise you, and we love you. Thank you for another day, thank you for life.

In Jesus name we pray, amen 🙏🏼